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Sarah Bullard

Youth Livestock Educator

Sarah serves as the Youth Livestock Educator for Fauquier County. She is a 2018 graduate of Virginia Tech with a BS in Agriculture. She was born and raised in Culpeper County where she spent her youth in 4-H and FFA, showing livestock and competing in livestock judging, stockmen's, cattle working, horse judging and hippology, and dairymen's. She held several officer positions in each organization and her involvement in these programs is what led her to Extension. During college she spent time working with Block & Bridle as well as the Beef Leadership Council, Collegiate 4-H, and the VT Swine Club. She now manages a farm with her husband and dog, Radar.


Sarah came to VCE Fauquier in the summer of 2017 as an intern, returned in the summer of 2018 and took a permanent job here in 2019. She oversees the Youth Livestock Programs in the county, which include livestock clubs, the Fauquier Livestock Show & Sale, Fauquier Fair Livestock Shows and various agriculture literacy events throughout the year. She is involved with the Northern District Livestock Show and the State Fair of Virginia Livestock Shows. Along with Tim Mize, the Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent in Fauquier, she coaches the Youth Cattle Working, Livestock Judging, and Stockmen’s Teams.